Yeh, Chin-Wen
- Ph.D. Dance Higher Education and Administration, New York University (NYU)
- Specialization:Dance Aesthetics, Labanotation and Movement Analysis, Research Method, choreography, Art Administration and Management, Contact Improvisation
- (04)22213108 ext.2089
- Books
- 2001, Yeh, Chingwen., The Applications of Taoistic Thought and Practice in American Modern Dance. New York: New York University.
- 2004,Yeh, Chingwen, 《飆焊.跨界-2004高雄國際鋼雕藝術節》,高雄市政府文化局出版ISBN: 986-000-2738
- Periodical Articals
- 2012,Chingwen Yeh, Li-Yun Lai, Tsong-Rong Jang, Jasson Chiang, 《The new Development of bioelectrical impedance analysis based on mathematical estimation model for fat free mass of multiple segments in Taiwan elderly》.International Journal of Gerontology. SCI 期刊,第一作者,ISSN:18739598
- 2011, Yeh, C. W.《Appling six sigma to promote self-management ability in health clubs》,African Journal of Business Management,SSCI 期刊,第一作者,ISSN: 1990-3839
- 2011,Chingwen Yeh, Choatponag Kanjanaphachoat, The application of finite element methods to study force transducer anti-deviated load characteristics. Applied Mechanics and Materials. EI 期刊,第一作者,ISSN: 1660-9336
- 2010, 葉景雯,『探究紐約舞蹈巡禮之跨文化論述』,大專體育ISSN: 1560-482
- 2009, Chingwen Yeh,《Evaluating Taiwanese Universities》, Taipei Time. ISSN: 1563-9525
- 2009,葉景雯〈歐普拉改變了美國人的閱讀方式〉聯合副刊/講義雜誌, ISSN: 1022-41490-9
- 2009,葉景雯〈在伯林思考文化〉,《蘋果論壇》
- 2009,葉景雯〈臺北劇場與孔子學院〉,《蘋果論壇》
- 2004,葉景雯〈論啤酒節〉,《中國時報》
- 2004-2005,葉景雯〈專欄〉,《南主角雜誌社》
- 2004-2005,葉景雯〈專欄〉,《文化高雄月刊/文化電子報》