•  PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University
  • Specialization:Cerebellar Function, Motor Learning, Sensory Integration
  • (04)22213108 ext.2198
  • Detailed information.pdf
  • Publications
  • Yu-Chien Lo, Chun-Ming Chen, Wu-Chung Shen, Yu-Ling Shih*(2019). Cerebellar contributions to tactile perception in people with varying sensorimotor experiences: Examining the sensory acquisition hypothesis. Human Movement Science, 63, 45-52.
  • Shih, Y. L.*, & Lin, C. Y(2016). The relationship between action anticipation and emotion recognition in athletes of open skill sports. Cognitive Processing, 17(3), 259-268.
  • Yu-Chun Chen, Chung-Cheng Wu, and Yu-Ling Shih*(2015). Effects of volleyball training on visual time perception. 體育學報, 48(1), 105-116.
  • Tsai PL、 Shih YL、 Hu MH*(2012). Low-Intensity Task-oriented Exercise for Ambulation-challenged Residents in Long-term Care Facilities: A Randomized、 Controlled Trial.. American Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Medicine, 91, 616-624.
  • Shih、 L.Y.L.、 Yeh、 T.C.、 Kuo、 W.J.、 Tzeng、 O.J.L.、 & Hsieh、 J.C.(2010). Effect of temporal difficulty on cerebrocerebellar interaction during visual duration discrimination.. Behavioural Brain Research , 207(1), 155-160.
  • Shih、 L.Y.L.、 Kuo、 W.J.、 Yeh、 T.C.、 Tzeng、 O.J.L.、 & Hsieh、 J.C.(2009). Common neural mechanisms for explicit timing in the sub-second range.. NeuroReport, 20(10), 897-901.
  • Shih、 L.Y.L.、 Chen、 L.F.、 Kuo、 W.J.、 Yeh、 T.C.、 Wu、 Y.T.、 Tzeng、 O.J.L.、 & Hsieh、 J.C. (2009). Sensory acquisition in the cerebellum: An fMRI study of cerebrocerebellar interaction during visual duration discrimination. . The Cerebellum , 8(2), 116-126.