•  PhD, Institute of Applied Economic, National Chung Hsing University
  • Specialization:Recreation economics、Financial management、International business administration、Marketing research、Accounting
  • (04)22213108 ext.2005
  • Publications
  • Chin-Huang Huang *, Wen-Teng Liu, Cheng-Lung Chuang, Yen-Hsiang Huang(2018). The Service Quality and Community Attribute Effect Impacts on Satisfaction for Marathon Event. International Journal of Economics and Business Administration , 4(3), 105-109.
  • Yeh. C. C., Lin, C. S., & Huang*, C. H.(2018). The total economic value of sport tourism in Belt and Road development—An environmental perspective. Sustainability (SSCI), 10(4), 1-14.
  • Chin-Huang Huang(2017). Estimating the environmental effects and recreational benefits of cultivated flower land for environmental quality improvement in Taiwan.. Agricultural Economics(SSCI), 48(1), 29-39.
  • Chun-Chu Yeh, Cheng-Shih Lin, and Chin-Huang Huang*(2017). Examining the impact of quality of life on satisfaction and intent to return for Marathon runner.. Journal of Social Sciences Research, , 3(4), 37-40.
  • Chun-Chu Yeh, Kuo-Ting Hua, Chin-Huang Huang(2016). Service quality improving effects and recreational benefits for sport tourism. Tourism Economics(SSCI), 22(6), 1332-1337.
  • Chun-Chu Yeh, Anthony S. C. Huang, Chiung-Hsia Wang, Chin-Huang Huang.(2016). Segmenting the Perception of Physical Environment and Satisfaction for Baseball Spectators.. Anthropologist(SSCI), 24(3), 818-826.
  • Chin-Huang Huang, Chiung-Hsia Wang*(2015). Estimating the Total Economic Value of Cultivated Flower Land in Taiwan. . Sustainability(SSCI), 7(4), 4764-4782.
  • Chin-Huang Huang、 Chun-Hung Lee、 Joyce Chun-Chu Yeh & James Po-Hsun Hsiao(2014). Estimating Congestion Costs and Segmenting Motivations for Recreational Festivals. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research(SSCI), 19(5), 558-578.
  • Chin-Huang Huang、 Chun-Hung Lee(2014). Consumer Willingness to Pay for Organic Fresh Milk in Taiwan. China Agricultural Economic Review(SSCI), 6(2), 187-199.
  • Huang Chin-Huang、 Huang Yen-Hsiang、 Mark Lin Wen-Long and James Hsiao Po-Hsun(2011). Estimating Recreational Benefits and Environmental Effects for the Amenities of Flowers Industry. Advance in Management, 4(3), 60-65.
  • 黃錦煌、林正士、郭岑伊、李能慧(2011)。金門農產品標章消費認知與市場區隔分析。 行銷評論,8(3),315-330。
  • 李添福、黃錦煌(2011)。社會資本對醫事人員工作效率影響之分析。健康管理學刊,9(2),183-197。
  • 黃錦煌(2011)。觀光產業發展影響居民態度之分析-條件行為之應用。應用經濟叢刊(TSSCI),90(9999),183-208。
  • 李俊鴻、黃錦煌(2011)。文化資產訪客知覺價值與觀光效益評估─以大龍峒保安宮為例。觀光休閒學報(TSSCI),17(3),361-386。
  • Huang Chin-Huang(2011). Estimating the Consumers’ Benefits of the Demand for Organic Fresh Milk in Taiwan. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing(CSSCI), 7(11), 1284-1291.
  • 黃錦煌、蕭柏勳、李俊鴻(2009)。遊客參與節慶活動擁擠成本與滿意度之市場區隔分析。觀光休閒學報(TSSCI),15(2),141-161。
  • 李俊鴻、黃錦煌(2009)。節慶活動遊客擁擠知覺降低之經濟效益評估(TSSCI)。農業經濟叢刊,15(1),81-113。
  • Chin-Huang Huang、 Ming-Lang Tseng、 and Yuan-Hsu Lin(2008). Application of Cost- Benefit Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis to Evaluate the Municipal Solid Waste Management Projects in Metro Manila. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS, 12(5), 524-540.