The Department of Physical Education in NTUS has the best Lion and Dragon Dance team in Taiwan. The team has represented Taiwan in numerous international competitions, including World Championship and Asian Championship, and won many gold medals. The Chinese martial arts, as well as traditional Taiwanese culture are crucial components of lion and dragon dance. The international students can experience the 5000-year-old Chinese culture first hand by participating in this unique combination of physical activity and culture. The videos of lion and dragon dance by the NTUS team can be found here Link1 Link2 Link3
Taiwan is a melting pot for Chinese heritage, local Taiwanese forklore, and western culture. NTUS is located in Taichung, where the world-renowned Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage is taking place every April. The Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage, one of the world’s biggest festivals, involves thousands of pilgrims on an animated seven-day walking parade to many Mazu temples in Taichung. The Pilgrimage is also a great chance to experience dragon and lion dance, temple troupes, and various aspects of Taiwanese culture.