National Taiwan University of Sport mark


Higher Education SPROUT Project

     Sport and leisure industry is a fast-growing business in Taiwan and around the world. The College of Sport Industry in NTUS has established strong connections with various companies in sport and leisure industry to provide students with practical learning experience. All graduate and undergraduate programs in the College of Sport Industry have set practical training of various length as part of degree requirement. The faculty in NTUS also helps the companies to develop new sport-related products and increase management efficiency.

Implement Teaching Innovation
  • 35.5% of the courses have teaching assistants, in addition to the lectures from the faculty, to improve teaching efficiency.
  • Adopted a dual-teacher approach with a lecturer from academia and a mentor from industry to enable the students to understand the industrial trends. A total of 114 courses were subsidized and the teach staff is composed of 93 teachers.
  • Adopted a small sports-themed English class system, along with a sports English course and advanced English society; 85% of students agreed that this is beneficial to learning English.
  • Established 5 cross-disciplinary programs to reduce the compulsory credit number of the department and increase flexibility in choosing courses. Along with the makerspace, students can have more practical experience.
Develop School Characteristics
  • Established advanced language courses, mandarin courses, and full English courses to enhance the language ability of students and increase willingness for international exchanges.
  • Provided professional sports science tests and guidance for sports, including volleyball, wrestling, and rugby as well as jumping and throwing items of track and field.
  • Created an innovative entrepreneur space: established a baseball pitching laboratory with a wearable testing team and video makerspace. A total of 332 video projects and interviews were completed there, and some projects were shortlisted for Global Film and Documentary and Italy Sports Film Festival.
  •  Established information and data research teams to teach students how to collect and interpret the test and competition data of athletes.
  • Signed an MOU with the Ryerson University of Canada and set up a streaming media platform with universities from 17 countries.
  • Created a TV channel for internships. Provide students with self-exploration and practical experience by creating programs that introduce the practice process, competition results, struggles, and daily life experience of athletes. Currently, 100 video interview programs have been created.
Increase Publicity of Higher Education
  • Pooled resources and donations from the alumni and enterprises and used them appropriately to assist disadvantaged students in various guidance activities. A total of 434 students have received fellowships or scholarships and a total of NTD 6.68 million has been awarded.
  • Established an open platform for the financial information of the University and disclose important information concerning the University.
Fulfill Social Responsibility
  • Promoted community baseball to provide children and teenagers with the opportunity to engage in sports training and competitions, as well as to build a sense of community.
  • Organized sports class or sports extracurricular activities after school with elementary students as the target audience. This provides students with more opportunities to exercise and build a lifelong habit of exercising.
  • Collaborated with Chung Shan Medical University Hospital’s Center for Integrated Dementia Care in Taichung City, and used dance to motivate people with dementia, improving their ability to express their emotions physically through dancing.
  • Provided the elderly with various sports courses and lectures to build the concept of happy living. This helps the elderly to achieve the goal of lifelong learning and healthy exercising.